Remedios Varo
Wonderful Female Painters
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Remedios Varo (1908-1963)
Embroidering the Earth’s Mantle (1961)
Remedios Varo was born in Spain, but she lived and worked for so long in Mexico that she considered herself to be Mexican.
She was a member of the Surrealist group of Paris, but the best part of her work —when she lived in Mexico— had more to do with magic, mysticism and allegory (symbology) than with the freeing of the unconscious. (Let’s bear in mind that the freeing of the unconscious is the fundamental creative process for a work to be “authentically Surrealist”).
She was intimate friend and admirer of Leonora Carrington, and also friend of Frida Kahlo (although she felt more influenced by the first who she considered her “soul mate”).
If we had to relate her work to someone, we could say El Bosco (some of the esoteric and extravagant beings that Remedios created remind us of the unclassifiable Flemish genius).
The artist took refuge in oneiric, silent, very intimate worlds, where women were often magicians, alchemists, embroiderers, nuns. Remedios invented worlds where the entities performed symbolic tasks and sometimes created lives and other unreal worlds (in this painting they create the earth mantle in a ridiculous way).
Magic and mystery. Enigmas and spirituality. Dense atmosphere. And ideal work to exemplify our favorite definition of “art”: what takes place when an artist creates a universe and invents his own language to communicate it.
Recommended links:
Wonderful Female Painters: Leonora Carrington.
Wonderful Female Painters: Olga Costa.
Wonderful Female Painters: Grandma Moses.
Wonderful Female Painters: Florine Settheimer.
Wonderful Female Painters: Paula Modersohn-Becker.
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